FAQs about Deafness

Hearing Loss Articles | Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy

Two people using sign language to communicate

There are many misconceptions about the Deaf community. Deaf does not always mean that a person can not hear sounds. Being Deaf means that a person typically does not have enough usable hearing to enable them to use their hearing to communicate. An individual who is Deaf may be able to hear very loud low-pitched sounds for example. In the distant past, individuals who were Deaf might have been placed into asylums or other institutions because they were thought to be mentally handicapped because they could not learn to talk. Luckily, we are better equipped to identify hearing loss and treat it these days.

While being Deaf may be considered a disability, in our high-technology world, individuals who are deaf are able to function quite well among those who are hearing. Let’s look at a few myths or questions that there are about individuals who are Deaf.

Can people who are deaf drive?

Absolutely they can! Being Deaf does not prohibit you from driving, if anything individuals who are deaf are pretty good drivers because they are not distracted by the radio or talking on the phone. Individuals with hearing loss also tend to be more visually alert because they use their vision to make up for what they are not hearing.

Can deaf people go to college?

Yes! With some modifications to instruction, individuals with hearing loss can receive a good education. Interpreters, note takers, closed captions (sometimes live – meaning a person is sitting and typing everything that is being said), and speech-to-text apps allow a person who can not hear to attend class, “hear” the lecture, and participate in class.

Are people who are deaf limited in choices of jobs?

Perhaps to a degree. But you will find individuals with hearing loss working in all types of jobs, including those whose loss qualifies them as Deaf. Some people you may have heard of that are Deaf include: Heather Whitestone, (Miss America), Marlee Matlin (actress), Bethoven (classical music composer), Dummy Hoy (baseall player), Helen Keller (author), Thomas Edison (inventor), Nyle DiMarco (model and actor), Hermon and Heroda Berhane (lifestyle bloggers on Instagram), Chella Man (actor, model, artist, and activist), Linda Bove (actress on Sesame Street), Curtis Pride (baseball player), Derrick Coleman (football player), Douglas Tilden (sculptor), Ashley Fiolek (motorcross racer and stunt actor), and Claudia Gordon (attorney).

Will a person who is deaf have deaf children?

That depends on a couple of different factors. If the individual was born with a hearing loss caused by genetics, then there would be a chance that any children they have might be born Deaf as well. But if the person lost their hearing due to illness or injury, the genetic factor is absent, and the child would not inherit the loss.

It also depends on the other parent. If both parents are born deaf and the deafness was caused by a genetic abnormality, then any child they had could be born Deaf as well. If only one parent is Deaf, the chances of having a child who is also Deaf decreases.

Individuals with severe hearing loss or who are considered Deaf have many opportunities in today’s world. If you are concerned about your hearing or the hearing of a member of your family, call our office to schedule a hearing test.

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