Turbinate Reduction Surgery in Corpus Christi
Nose all clogged up? Having trouble breathing through your nose? Maybe your turbinates are inflamed.
Turbinates are small nasal structures that help keep the air clean of contaminants before it passes into your lungs. However, these structures can easily become inflamed and enlarged by allergens and nasal infections, which can lead to excessive mucus and congestion.
What Is a Turbinate Reduction?

What’s the Recovery Like from Turbinate Reductions?
Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy
Corpus Christi, TX
5641 Esplanade Dr.
Corpus Christi, TX 78414
Call: 361-320-6130
Fax: 361-287-0101
Monday through Friday, 8am – 5pm
Affiliated with Advanced Hearing Aid & Diagnostics, LLC

Suffering from a stuffy nose? Call Us