
Lipreading, also known as Speech-reading, is often portrayed as a party game or trick. We see it shown on TV being used by someone trying to read lips of someone on a videotape where there is no audio on a crime show for example. Many of us have probably seen the funny lipreading videos of […]

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What is Prebycusis?

Most people may not have heard the term, but they probably are familiar with the condition. Presbycusis is the technical/medical term for an age-related hearing loss. In fact, hearing loss is the third most common chronic health complaint among older adults (heart disease and arthritis being numbers 1 and 2 respectively). Our audiologist has years of experience […]

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Children and Noise Exposure

As adults we may realize that sounds are noisy, and that sounds we are exposed to at work or during recreational activities can affect our hearing. What many people don’t realize is that children are often exposed to dangerous levels of sounds and often times we are the ones exposing them to these sounds. In […]

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What Causes Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss can be caused by many things. Some are preventable, some are not. Here we will briefly look at some of the most common causes of hearing loss. Age-related hearing loss Also known as Presbycusis, hearing loss due to aging is the third most common chronic health complaint among older adults. Just as we […]

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10 Tips for Talking to Individuals with Hearing Loss

Communicating with someone with a hearing loss can be challenging. Depending on the severity of the hearing loss, conversations can sometimes be very frustrating. But communicating with one another is how we stay connected. It helps us to feel like we are valued and loved. Here are some tips on how to communicate more effectively […]

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