Should I Consult a Doctor About My Recurrent Nosebleeds?

ENT Issues,Hearing Loss Articles | Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy

Woman suffering from frequent nosebleeds pinching her nose.

Nosebleeds are usually nothing more than a nuisance, especially frustrating because they can happen anytime and anywhere. It can be more than a bit uncomfortable when a nose bleed occurs in a situation like a first date or family dinner. These sporadic nosebleeds normally don’t last long and stop even faster when pressure is applied.

But normally, nosebleeds don’t happen very often. So you might feel a little anxious if you are having regular nosebleeds. After all, from the time we’re young kids, we’re conditioned to associate bleeding with injury. It’s not surprising that you would find yourself wondering whether your bleeding nose is an indication that something’s not quite right.

Frequent nosebleeds – what’s the cause?

You might be dealing with recurrent nose bleeds for one or more of the following reasons.

Environmental causes: Low humidity is the most prevalent reason for frequent nosebleeds. A bloody nose can be the result of irritation caused by dry air.

Behavior: Forcefully blowing your nose can trigger nosebleeds when done with enough frequency and intensity level.

Medication: There are some medications that can cause frequent nosebleeds. You should contact us about any medication you’re taking if you experiencing an increase in nosebleeds.

Structural issues: Some individuals have a nose that has a bit of a different shape. More frequent nosebleeds can be caused by these congenital issues.

Health conditions: Your body’s ability to clot blood can be restricted by certain medical conditions. This can lead to recurring nosebleeds.

Growths in the sinuses: In some situations, a polyp or tumor can grow in your sinuses. When this happens, persistent nosebleeds could result.

Colds and allergies: Sometimes, those mucus membranes can really dry out from an allergic reaction or a cold. And as you may have expected, more frequent nosebleed can be the result.

This list encompasses some relatively trivial health concerns, and also some alarming ones. So in terms of nose bleeds, when is it time to seek help from your physician?

When do nosebleeds need to be addressed by your physician?

The first thing to recognize is that if you have any worries about your nosebleeds, it’s a good idea to come see us. It’s always good to get some peace of mind! In general, you should schedule an appointment with us if:

  • You’re presently having repeated nosebleeds and you haven’t seen a doctor before for this problem.
  • They are happening more frequently, or have become harder to stop.

We will help you understand the cause of your nosebleeds and determine the best way to stop them, if necessary.

When does a nosebleed require emergency care?

There are some cases in which frequent nosebleeds can present due to a serious or emergency condition. Emergency care is required if:

  • The nosebleed arises in a person younger than two years old.
  • You can’t get your nosebleed to stop after 30 minutes, even after applying pressure.
  • You experience some type of injury or trauma and then your nose begins to bleed.
  • You’re having trouble breathing because of your nosebleed, even when you’re attempting to breathe through your mouth.
  • More blood volume than you would expect is coming from your nosebleed. Essentially, if the bleeding is surprisingly heavy, head to the emergency room.
  • If you are seeking emergency care for a nosebleed, it’s important that you have someone drive you to the emergency room. That’s because loss of blood can interfere with your ability to drive.
  • Your situation can get considerably worse if you get dizzy or pass out while driving.

Listen to your nose

You should schedule an appointment if something seems off or you’re concerned about repeated nosebleeds. As a rule of thumb, if your nose bleeds 2-3 times a month, it’s probably something benign, like allergies or dry air. But it’s most likely something more severe if your nose is bleeding numerous times a week.

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The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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