Balloon Sinaplasty – What Exactly is it?

ENT Issues,Hearing Loss Articles | Corpus Christi ENT Sinus & Allergy

Man with chronic sinus infections thinks about getting balloon sinuplasty from an ENT.

Inflammation of your sinuses can make you absolutely miserable. If your situation is minor, you will have a runny nose and some sneezing. But for many people, it’s the intense sinus-pressure-driven headaches that make sinus infections, also known as sinusitis, so unbearable.

What Then is Balloon Sinuplsty?

Balloon sinuplasty, also called balloon catheter dilation therapy, is a medical procedure which is minimally invasive and fairly simple. During a balloon sinuplasty, a little balloon catheter will be placed into your sinus cavity. This balloon is made of sterile, flexible material, and will gradually be inflated. The mucus and pus causing the pressure and infection is then pushed out. And the passages will be less likely to get plugged up in the future because of how the balloon opens them up.

The sinus cavity can be rinsed with a saline solution after it’s reasonably clear. Then the balloon is taken out. The outcome is a sinus cavity that is substantially more clear and open, resulting in immediate improvements in symptoms. Depending on your state of health, your medical history, and what you prefer, a local or general anesthetic will be employed.

Most individuals can get back to their regular routine within a day or two and recovery is normally pretty mild.

Balloon sinuplasty comes with significant benefits.

Benefits of Balloon Sinuplasty

  • Complications are very rare because of the minimally invasive nature of the procedure. All of this means you won’t need to go to the hospital to get the procedure and can have it performed right in your doctor’s office. So it’s easier to be extremely comfortable with this procedure.
  • Results tend to be considerable and long-lasting. Frequently, the positive results are reported to last over two years.
  • Balloon sinuplasty is minimally invasive. This means your life will have very little disruption and recovery will be swift.

A Novel Solution With Excellent Results

A significant amount of misery and suffering can be caused by chronic sinus infections. The constant congestion and nasal drip lead to a loss of sleep and the headaches can impede your performance at work. In some cases, it’s the architecture of your nasal passages that causes the issue. At other times, being in the wrong place at the wrong time brings about chronic sinus infections. The ideal solution is often balloon siuplasty.

Contact us if you think balloon sinuplasty might be the right choice for you.

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