ENT Health Blog

Summer Sinuses

Summer sinus and allergy symptoms in the Coastal Bend are quite common. Allergens encountered during the hot summers are primarily weeds, grass and mold. Bermuda and Timothy grass are at one of their highest levels during the summer heat. Pigweed and sagebrush are common summer weeds. Additionally, with increased rain comes increased mold. Heat and […]

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What Causes My Chronic Cough?

The three common causes for chronic cough are allergy, asthma and acid reflux. Allergy, along with non-allergic rhinitis and chronic sinusitis, result in post nasal drainage that triggers a cough. Acid reflux irritates mucosa near the voice box that triggers mucus production, and subsequent cough. Asthma is a lower respiratory tract source for chronic cough and is […]

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What Causes Post Nasal Drip?

Postnasal drip is a common symptom for patients in the Coastal Bend. The primary source for this is inflammation in the back of the nose caused by either allergic or non-allergic sources. Irritation at the mucosal surface causes the mucin glands to secrete mucus. While environmental pollens are the most common cause, other sources such as chemical […]

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Why I Love Audiology, Episode 8 – Audiology Specialists

Another reason I love Audiology is the diversity of populations and work settings to choose from. While the foundation of Audiology remains the same, one of the most interesting things about is its variability. Once you have completed your education, you have a variety of work settings to choose from. Whether it is the age […]

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I Hate That Sound!

There has been a growing awareness over the last several years of an auditory phenomenon. It is called Misophonia. Quite literally, Misophonia is a hatred of sound. Individuals with Misophonia have extreme reactions to certain sounds we hear every day. They are actually hypersensitive to the sound. We probably all have certain sounds that give […]

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Why I Love Audiology, Episode 7 – Audiology Humor

Probably every profession has its own inside jokes. Ones that only people with similar jobs can understand. Audiology is no different. Some of the jokes are related to commonly used terms, while others are about the profession in general. Cartoons are common, showing the structures of the ear as lively little creatures misbehaving. Lots of […]

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Dementia and Hearing Loss

For years we have been told that reading, playing logic games, doing puzzles, and being active in society will help keep our brains healthy. It turns out that now being an active listener may also help. There is increasing evidence that there may be a link between Dementia and untreated hearing loss. Not that the […]

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Does Sinusitis Lead to Bronchitis or Asthma?

Sinusitis, both acute and chronic, if not adequately treated can lead to bronchitis and sometimes pneumonia. Although it is not the cause for asthma, it can lead to asthma exacerbations. Sinus infections are infections of the upper respiratory tract, and generally lead to symptoms that include headaches, sinus pressure, discolored nasal mucus, and nasal congestion. In certain […]

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What Causes Nasal Congestion?

Nasal congestion is a common symptom. Successful treatment for this condition depends upon correct diagnosis. The two underlying reasons for nasal congestion are inflammatory and structural, and both often coexist. Inflammatory causes primarily include allergic and non-allergic rhinitis. Structural causes include a deviated septum, turbinate hypertrophy, and sometimes nasal or sinus polyps. Frequently people have underlying allergy in addition […]

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